

We would like to announce our accepting Digital Currency for payment. Yes, you read that correctly, we accept the certain digital currency. We were asked on a couple of occasions if we would accept Crypto as a means of exchange and so we said – Why The Heck Not, so here we are. Of course like all things there is a catch, yes, there is, we only accept a select few alt and stablecoins. Offered coins and amounts accepted will change from time to time based on the market and our needs. As you can imagine we can only accept digital currency for bookings that are within 30 to 60 days of your stay no far-out bookings. We welcome the peer-to-peer people’s network and look forward to networking with you.

We will accept from 25% to 100% of chosen currency. If your booking is let’s say $1,000 for the stay and you chose Bitcoin as your digital currency, we would accept 100% of your stay in BTC. However, if you chose to use Shiba Inu we would accept only 25% toward your stay.


1. Bitcoin – BTC 100%
2. Ethereum – ETH 100%
3. Binance – BNB 50%
4. Litecoin – LTC 50%
5. MoonBeam – GLMR 25%
6. Near Protcol – NEAR 25%
7. Mina – MINA 25%
8. Solana – SOL 50%
9. Dogecoin – DOGE 25%
10. Shiba Inu – SHIB – 25%